Lets kNow who am i

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Hye everyone!! Thank you for viewing my life page.. I am NuruL Huda and all my closes fren call me NuruL.. I am 23 years and I am the youngest girl out of 3 siblings.. I have 2 handsome Brother and they always support me in everything of my life.. I am just finish my study at University Industry Selangor.. around 1 month ago.. and my convo will be next year.. Now, I am still search a very suitable positions job that related for my field study "Degree of Business Management" majoring in Human Resource.. Ermm.. i'm perfectionist gurlz?? dun know.. i say like that becoz my fren tell me that i'm like the perfectionist person..=) so, u all can judge me when u read my blog that the way who am i.. ok fren?? Anyway, you are welcome to leave your nice and valuable comment but do respect me as well as I do..~TQ~


"WhO wiLL bE LEft bEhiNd"
19 NovEmbEr 2009
MaCam biasELa pEpagi sayE daH bguN nak g kEjE.. SayE masOk OfiS pkUL 9.30a.m tapi bEfOrE masOk OFis sayE ngaN 'sayang' sayE g brEakfast duLu.. (SayE g kEjE 'sayang' sayE haNtarkN =) MasE kitEorg brEakfast xdE pLak kitEorg dOk biNcanG nk tGk wayanG.. kitEorg dok critE pasaL LEn. TimEs out utk sayE masOk kEjE.. TetibE dLm kEtE...
hUbby : B mcm nk tGk wayaNg critE Senario la...
sayE : hah?? (SayE bukaN jEnis sukE tgk wayanG) ni dok ckp dLm hatiLa.. "bEst kE citE sEnariO??
hUbby : BEstLa jgK.. kELakar..
sayE : Syg mcm tErpanggiL nk tGk citE "2012".. bOLEh x kitE tGk citE ni mLm ni??
hUbby : BoLEh...
sayE : =) tQ
Nak taU knP sayE tErpanggiL utk tGk critE ni?? SeBab sayE dapat shOut out dari FacEbook dari mEmbEr2 sayE.. Diorg cakap citE mmG bEst..
Sayang sayE pOn rEservEd tiCket pkuL 9mLm..
PeRLu kE sayE citEkn pasaL citE 2012 ni??
SayE bg sinopsis jEla ea..
CritE ni bEtUL2 mEnginsafkaN sayE. KeSahnyE ttG kEhaNcuran dUniE yG lEbih tEpat lg 'hari kiaMat' CritE ni mEmbEri bayanGan padE kitE sumE ttg bagaimanE bErLakunyE hari kiamat.. tapi kitE xbOLeh pErcayE 100% dgN aksi dLm critE ni.. MuNgkiN hari kiamat lEbih dasyat lagi dari yG kitE lihat dLm moviE 2012 ni... AndA sEmuE bOlEh tGk daN niLai sEndiri critE 2012 ni..
MEmaNg bEst.. ni pEndapat sayE..

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