Lets kNow who am i

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Hye everyone!! Thank you for viewing my life page.. I am NuruL Huda and all my closes fren call me NuruL.. I am 23 years and I am the youngest girl out of 3 siblings.. I have 2 handsome Brother and they always support me in everything of my life.. I am just finish my study at University Industry Selangor.. around 1 month ago.. and my convo will be next year.. Now, I am still search a very suitable positions job that related for my field study "Degree of Business Management" majoring in Human Resource.. Ermm.. i'm perfectionist gurlz?? dun know.. i say like that becoz my fren tell me that i'm like the perfectionist person..=) so, u all can judge me when u read my blog that the way who am i.. ok fren?? Anyway, you are welcome to leave your nice and valuable comment but do respect me as well as I do..~TQ~


daH LamE rasEnyE sayE x uPdatE bELoGG kEsayanGaN sayE nEhh..
eRmmm... bZ cikit sEbab wat pErsEdiaaN hari KONVO sayE.. PastU sEbuk g intEbiu sanE Sini... sayE kEhiLangan masE utK bErbLoggiNg.. huHuhuhu...
Hari Ni sayE kEmbaLi bErbLoggiNg.. daN sayE nk cRitE pasaL hari KONVO sayE padE 31/10/2009 jam 1.45pEtang..
Hari niLah yg dinnti2kn oLeH Para GraDuaN UniSEL daN jgK FamiLy yg tErLibat... taPi sayE??? SayE xLah sgt nntikN hari KONVO sayE nehhh... SayE pOwnn kUrg hEpi dgn kEtibaaN hari KONVO SayE.. knP??? sEbab sayE mEngaLami kEsEngaLan dan kEbEngongaN padE masE itU.. =) hahahaha... xtau knP...
jOm kitE zOOm in dihari KONVO sayE bErsamE kwN2 sayE..

gEt rEady

ni rEady nk amEk gmbr b4 masuk dEwan

haH ni diE.. gMbr kitEowg masE da siap pkai jubaH n topi. Tapi jubah sayE nmpk LeN mcm..

kitE zOOm in Lagi Lepas sayE amEk sCRoLL..

=) cntik kan?? mksud sayE bUngE yg kitEowg pEgang..

ni sUmE bdk cLz sayE..

bUngE yG sayE dpt tu... 'sayang' sayE yg bg.. tErharU sEhhh..

hah niLah bunGEnyE... Cntik x?? =) tQ sayang..


i LovE it.. sO swEEt FLowErs..

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