Lets kNow who am i

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Hye everyone!! Thank you for viewing my life page.. I am NuruL Huda and all my closes fren call me NuruL.. I am 23 years and I am the youngest girl out of 3 siblings.. I have 2 handsome Brother and they always support me in everything of my life.. I am just finish my study at University Industry Selangor.. around 1 month ago.. and my convo will be next year.. Now, I am still search a very suitable positions job that related for my field study "Degree of Business Management" majoring in Human Resource.. Ermm.. i'm perfectionist gurlz?? dun know.. i say like that becoz my fren tell me that i'm like the perfectionist person..=) so, u all can judge me when u read my blog that the way who am i.. ok fren?? Anyway, you are welcome to leave your nice and valuable comment but do respect me as well as I do..~TQ~

yEss !! FinaLLy...

yEss... Finally... sayE bOLeh bukak bLOG kEsayangaN sayE.. huhuhu... Geram sehh sELamE ni sayE nk sign in bLog sayE tapi ERROR jEk... bEngang jEk... & hari ni.. sayE dpt siGn in.. ^.^ So, bnyk bEnde sayE nk story tapi... xtau nk story mn satu.. =)
Errmmm... SayE xphm la dgn manusia yG diLahirkan kat dunia ni yg punyai sifat S***N.. KalO duLu sayE pELik tapi sEkarang dah mEnjadik kEbiasaan bg saye.. sEbab sayE dah tEmui manusia yG bErsifatkan S***N ni... MuLa2 gEram jGk tapi lamE2 biase dah.. KitE xbOLeh eLak dari Org yG mcm ni.. nk xnk kEne hadapi.. sEbab dah xhEran dah.. Org yG mcm ni... mmg ramai kat dunia nie... So, kaLo bOLeh eLak, eLak la org yG perangai die mcm S***N...
BukaN nk kata diri ni baik sgt, bukan jgk nk kata diri ni perfect sgt.. sume yG diLahirkan bukaNLa bEgitu sEmpurna.. AdE kELebihan masing2 & kEkurangan masing2 tapi agak2la kalo asyik nak iri hati, dengki hati, busuk hati dgn orG.. xphmla org yg mcm ni... Kalo iri hati utk bErsaing secara sihat xpe, ni xabis2 nk menyakitkan hati org... pEhhhh.. yG ni xbOLeh bLahh sehhh...
Gua xpuas hati sehh dgn org yG mcm ni.. tapi hati sayE ni jeniS lembut walaupun menyakitkan hati saye masih bOLe bErsabar...
Tapi kalo sabar sayE dah smpai tahap kEsabarannyE.. mmG mELetOp kEpala diE... hahahahaha... Pdn mUka kaU.. Eeeeiiiiii gERamnyE....

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